Thursday 8 August 2019


Rough lane towards Hagg Wood is metalled now,
Avenue of pebble-dash and open plan
Down to a stony track that parallels
A regular wall that’s certainly not new.
Well-dressed blocks of soot-blackened millstone
Stands shoulder high and heavily as it dwells

An urban curtain drawn round a rural
Aspect, a reservoir for a cotton town
Woven into the fabric of the valley
Below. Pause a moment. Peek over that wall
To watch ripples and eddies as they’re blown
Across couch grass where water used to be.

Was the water allowed to leak away
Like textiles from the town, and left fallow?
Dry stone walls straggle the distant moor
While this wall, round a res. drowned in soil, will stay
Put, unless there’s more pebble-dash to follow
Or stone has a price too high to ignore.

It stands for now, as dry stone walls tumble,
But, rub at the mortar and it crumbles.

                                                                                                                Dave Alton

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Coifi's Spear

Convinced by the Kentish mission, Coifi contrived
To hurl his spear hard into Woden’s wooden heart.
Idols don’t flinch, of course, even when they’ve deceived
Generations. God dies! Another takes the part.

Gagarin looked from the limits of his portholes
All around the world. No God troubled his inspection,
Only darkness punctuated by stars, like shimmering souls,
Lost as he was looking in the wrong direction.

In an absence of God it is necessary
Not to invent Him. When it comes to devotion
To creation’s supreme-being, Man’s more likely
To indulge a preference for self-promotion.

From spear onto rocket, how far has man advanced?
Yet reason doesn’t allow deity to be lanced.

Dave Alton

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Fall Almost

Summer’s sun thins to cloud and mist,
Sky-blue being washed out to grey,
Faces recently uplifted
Fade and pale and turn away.

Autumn colours quietly arrayed,
Gilded leaves shading to brown
Until gathering winter winds,
With cold fingers, pluck them down.

While she of four score years and ten,
Who’s the last of all she knew,
Accepts now her season has gone,
Feels she’s had more than her due.

There may still be sun yet to come,
But even so, days grow small,
Summer passes to memory,
Then will slip beyond recall.

Dave Alton

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Auschwitz Visit (1)

Holocaust can be denied
And that denial
On the sole
Of each shoe
Tossed to the pile
Through prayer shawls
From Rabbis’ shoulders
Around wire frame
Tangled wire frames
Of glasses
Clouded by gas
Into ponytails
From bowed heads
Cowed heads
In indelible ink
On imperishable parchment
At cardinal points
From rolled wire
One word
All who guard fences
Deny themselves
And say

Auschwitz Visit 2 - Frescos

Two laughing cherubs
Anoint each other
With cornucopias
Immaculate water

Aryan youths
Through surging surf
Wild horse back

Two cute kittens
Licking their own paws
To wash
Each other’s whiskers

Beneath frescos
Had barking moments
Hollow handing
Unclean water
Wasted bodies
Brutalist slop-stones

Dave Alton

Tuesday 22 May 2018

The Garden

Gardener surveyed the whole garden,
Immaculate fabrication
In constant, flawless bloom. That pair
Tending to this creation

Went about their tasks tirelessly
And without fault. All perfect!
Never did a petal shrivel,
Nor a leaf shed. In fact

Nothing would, nothing could, ever change.
So it was for this reason
Gardener knew dissatisfaction.
Without season on season

What purpose for Gardener at all?
Those diligent underlings
Were mere ornaments without
Challenges only flux brings.

Vivid spring appears so urgent
After winter’s perishing term,
Summer is defined by the fall:
Gardener introduced the wyrm.

                                                                    Dave Alton